India proposes to replace its two-decades-old IT law

India’s current IT legislation, the Information Technology Act of 2000, is outdated and in need of revision. The act was passed in the early days of the internet and does not adequately address many of the challenges posed by modern technology.

The Indian government has recognized the need for an updated IT legislation and has initiated the process of drafting a new law. The new legislation is expected to address issues such as data protection, cybercrime, online harassment, and fake news.

India is planning to replace its outdated IT law with a new framework called the Digital India Act. The goal of this proposal is to establish guidelines for tech firms to ensure broader accountability, re-evaluate safe harbor protection, better oversee new technologies, and serve every connected user in the South Asian market. The details of how the proposed framework will regulate different factions of the internet are currently unclear, but the Indian government aims to replace the 20-year-old IT Act, 2000, which maintains limited mandates for legal recognition in the modern internet landscape.

The Indian laws need to be consistent with market trends, disruptive technologies, development in international jurisprudence, and global standards for qualitative service/products delivery framework. The Digital India Act aims to ensure that nobody on the internet is excluded from its ambit and will adopt a principles and rule-based approach to regulation for rapid creation, modification, and enforcement of regulations. 

The proposed bill also aims to establish an adjudicatory mechanism that addresses online and criminal offenses promptly, provides remedies to citizens, resolves disputes related to cyber matters, develops a unified cyber jurisprudence, and enforces the rule of law online. It also aims to safeguard innovation and enable emerging technologies such as AI/ML, web3, autonomous systems/robotics, IoT/distributed ledger/blockchain, quantum computing, virtual reality/augmented reality, real-time language translators, and natural language processing.

It is believed that both digitally literate and novice individuals need to be protected online, and his proposal is similar to other regulatory pushes in different markets.


During a Q&A session, the minister clarified that the Digital India Act would not regulate content moderation on platforms. However, the new law might reconsider the accountability of grievance officers designated by online platforms to handle user complaints. The minister emphasized the need for separate rules for each category of intermediaries and the provision of safe harbor for these intermediaries.

Regarding cybersecurity, the Digital India Act will encompass cybersecurity issues. While the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, which is yet to be passed, will take precedence in cases of personal data breaches, the proposed law will handle user harm more broadly.

The new law will succeed the existing IT Act, and its jurisprudence will remain unchanged. The law will focus on issues affecting children and young internet users, although further details on how it will address such instances are not yet available.

One of the key challenges in drafting the new legislation will be to strike a balance between protecting individual privacy and ensuring national security. India has a diverse population, and the new legislation will need to take into account the needs and concerns of different groups.

The government has already set up a committee to draft the new legislation, and it is expected to consult with stakeholders such as industry bodies, civil society organizations, and legal experts. Once the draft legislation is ready, it will need to be debated and passed by the Indian parliament before it becomes law.

Overall, the new IT legislation is expected to bring India’s laws up to date with the rapidly evolving technology landscape and provide better protection for Indian citizens in the online world.

While the government’s efforts are commendable, it is crucial to ensure coordination and harmonization among various regulatory interventions such as the Data Protection Law, Competition Law amendment, and Telecommunication Bill to avoid stifling innovation and implementation concerns.

The timeline for enacting the law is yet to be determined, and the government is seeking comments from stakeholders. The government plans to conduct consultations in various Indian cities before implementing the law.

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